Birth spacing

Birth spacing refers to the time between one child’s birth and the conception of the next pregnancy.

On this episode of the Baby Your Baby Podcast, Jade Elliott sat down with Aimee Nussbaum, Maternal Child Health Director, March of Dimes Utah Market, to discuss why women should wait at least 18 months between pregnancies.

What is birth spacing?

Birth spacing refers to the time between one child’s birth and the conception of the next pregnancy. This is also known as the interpregnancy interval.

Approximately 33% of all birth in the United States have short interpregnancy intervals (<18 months); data from 2013-2015 in Utah shows similar rates (31%)

Pregnancies that start less than 18 months after a subsequent birth may be associated with delayed prenatal care and adverse birth outcomes, including preterm birth, neonatal morbidity and low birth weight. Pregnancies with birth spacing of less than 6 months tend to have the highest risk.

Why is birth spacing important?

There is some data that optimal birth spacing (at least 18 months) may reduce the risk for poor birth outcomes such as preterm birth and low birth weight.

March of Dimes also notes that at least 18 months interpregnancy interval is recommended and while there’s also discussion about what that exact number really is (at least 18 months or longer), the focus really is to have the pregnancies adequately spaced to provide the best outcome for moms and babies. What we know is that planned pregnancies tend to be healthier pregnancies for a variety of reasons. First of all, there’s data that more and more women are becoming pregnant slightly older age and often after 40. More women also have chronic illness which may be age related or not. Having adequate time between pregnancies and time to plan for the next one, also affords a woman to be able follow up with her provider is she has chronic disease (ie. diabetes) to make sure it is stable or assure that the medications she is on for her chronic condition are safe for her pregnancy.

What are some things that a woman can do with regards to birth spacing and planning pregnancies?

  1. Wait 18 months or more after having a baby before getting pregnant again
  2. If you are older than 35 or had a miscarriage or stillbirth, talk with your provider about how long to wait
  3. Use effective birth control until you are ready to get pregnant
  4. Talk to your healthcare provider about birth control options

To learn more about birth control options, click here for the Baby Your Baby Podcast on contraception.

For the March of Dimes Facebook community page mentioned during the podcast, click here.

Click here for the Baby Your Baby Podcast on preterm births.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.