Category Archives: Baby Your Baby

How the WIC Program can help your family

WIC supports lower income families with over four decades of proven success by improving health outcomes for women, infants and children. WIC is a supplemental nutrition program designed to help pregnant women, new mothers, and children under the age of 5 eat well and stay healthy.

Jade Elliott sat down with JoDell Geilmann-Parke, WIC Outreach Coordinator for Salt Lake County Health Department, on this episode of the Baby Your Baby Podcast to discuss the program and upcoming changes.

Foods that meet high nutrition standards can be purchased with WIC grocery vouchers at a variety of participating stores. These foods vary depending on an individual’s nutrition needs but may include infant formula and cereal, a large selection of fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk, cheese, peanut butter and whole grains.

In addition to food vouchers, WIC provides nutrition education and extensive breastfeeding support to participating families. WIC strives to reduce health disparities in the community by encouraging healthy eating habits, providing access to healthy foods, and promoting breastfeeding as the optimal source of nutrition for infants.

WIC services are currently reaching less than 40% of eligible individuals in Utah.

The big news for 2020 is that Utah WIC is converting from paper vouchers to smart cards and will be available throughout the state at all county health departments by the end of the year. E-WIC will streamline the shopping and checkout process and make using WIC easier for participants. WIC has also modernized their website to include a client portal and created a WIC Shopper APP to make WIC services more accessible.

There are income eligibility requirements to participate in WIC. You can visit to check eligibility and find out how to apply or call 1-877-WICKIDS.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.

The importance of reading to your children

It’s never too early to start reading with your baby. Reading with your baby has multiple benefits.

Jade Elliott sat down with Tyson Tidwell, a pediatrician with Intermountain Healthcare, to talk not only about why to read with your baby, but also tips for how and when to do it.

Why reading to your baby is so important

When parents talk, read, and sing with their babies, connections are formed in their young brains. These connections build language, literacy, and social and emotional skills at an important time in a baby’s development. These activities also strengthen the emotional bond between parent and child and helps your child reach social and developmental milestones.

Hold your child in your arms and read with emotion

Infants as young as a few days or weeks old can know and prefer their parents’ voices and faces. Although they may not understand words, they’ll respond to the emotion in your voice and the expression on your face. They love to look at pictures with bright colors and feel secure when they’re in your arms.

Choose colorful and sturdy books

As babies get older, they’ll reach out to hold a book and then put it into their mouths to explore it. Board books and books made of fabric or with thicker pages are more durable for very young children. You can borrow children’s books for free from your local library or purchase some of your own. Look for colorful illustrations or photos. Some books have things with texture that can be touched, which makes them even more interesting.

Ask your pediatrician about the Reach out and Read program which offers free books starting at your baby’s 6 month well visit. You can receive a free book at your child’s well check visits through age five, for a total of eight free books. For more information visit

Plan a special reading time

Active young children may lose interest in a book after only 1-2 minutes. Follow their lead, but keep reading, talking, and singing with your baby regularly and his interest and attention span will grow. Make this a special time. Give your baby your full attention. Turn off the TV and computers and put down your phone.

Read together every day

As babies grow into toddlers, reading aloud together can be a very helpful routine, especially when it’s part of your regular calming bedtime routine. Young children love having choices. Let them choose the book to read. Toddlers quickly develop favorites and may ask you to read the same story over and over, so offer choices you like too!

Talk about the book

Toddlers can point to pictures of objects (Show me the tree) and answer questions (Which one says moo?) As their language grows, they may be able to name the pictures you point to or finish the sentences in a book. Sometimes they even pretend to read the book themselves. As they get older they learn to point to letters in the alphabet or to count some of the pictures.

Make reading part of your routine

Building routines for meals, play, and sleep help children know what to expect and what is expected of them. Listen to our podcast on bedtime routines here.

Keep reading together

Even when your child can read by themselves, you can still read stories to them that are at a higher reading level than books they can read on their own. They will look forward to the next chapter and you will make lasting memories.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.

Tips for surviving morning sickness

You’re excited to be pregnant. You’re supposed to be glowing, but instead you look kind of green. If you feel nauseous or you just threw up, it’s probably morning sickness.

Jade Elliott spoke with Hannele Laine, here an OB/Gyn from Intermountain Healthcare To help you know how to make it through morning sickness.

Morning sickness is common and may be under-treated

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 50-80 percent of pregnant women experience nausea and 50 percent experience vomiting or retching.

Morning sickness may be undertreated. It often begins prior to the first appointment, so women sometimes wait for the appointment rather than asking for help. In addition, women may not seek treatment because they believe it is common and usually temporary or because they’re concerned about the safety of taking medications while pregnant.

What causes morning sickness?

The specific cause of vomiting during pregnancy is not known. One hypothesis is that it due to the change in hormones levels during pregnancy.

Common myths about morning sickness:

1.It only occurs in the morning. False: You can have morning sickness any time of day.

2.It’s resolves after the first trimester. False: A few women have it last into the second and sometimes even into the third trimester.

3.It harms the baby. False: Typical morning sickness does not harm the fetus.

What increases your risk of severe morning sickness?

  • Severe nausea and vomiting of pregnancy is called hyperemesis gravidarum. It is more likely to occur with these risk factors:
  • A twin or triplet pregnancy.
  • A previous pregnancy with nausea and vomiting.
  • In women who have family members with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.
  • A history of motion sickness or migraines.
  • Being pregnant with a female fetus.

Simple ways to help reduce morning sickness:

  • Eat small meals, every 1-2 hours to avoid a full stomach and to avoid hunger.
  • Eat bland, dry foods like crackers, cereal, toast or baked potatoes.
  • Eat some protein with every meal.
  • Avoid spicy or fatty foods.
  • Eat something before you get out of bed. Keep crackers on your nightstand.
  • Take prenatal vitamins at night after a meal or switch to folic acid alone.
  • Avoid unpleasant smells as they may trigger nausea.
  • Try ginger capsules or candies, ginger ale or tea made with real ginger.
  • Wristbands that put pressure on or electrically stimulate a pressure point on the wrist may help.

How to prevent morning sickness from becoming severe:

  • Avoid getting dehydrated. Try taking little sips all day of something like Gatorade.
  • Seek treatment early to prevent severe symptoms requiring hospitalization.
  • Talk to your provider about how to manage your morning sickness and review possible medications that can help.
  • Keep your prenatal visits and call if you are having trouble between visits.

When to call or see your provider:

  • If nausea or vomiting is severe
  • You pass only a small amount of urine or it’s dark in color
  • You can’t keep liquids down
  • You feel dizzy or faint when you stand up
  • Your heart races or is pounding
  • You’re losing weight
  • If nausea or vomiting begins after nine weeks of pregnancy

Severe nausea and vomiting could be caused by something else:

Warning signs that your nausea and vomiting may be due to another cause:

  • abdominal pain or tenderness
  • fever
  • headache
  • thyroid enlargement or swelling on the front of the neck
  • nausea and vomiting that occurs for the first time after nine weeks of pregnancy.

If you have severe nausea and vomiting, your provider may want to do additional tests to evaluate other causes of the symptoms. Some medical conditions can cause nausea and vomiting during pregnancy such as an ulcer, food-related illness, thyroid or gallbladder disease.

For more information visit:

For additional information, click here.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.

Tips for helping your baby through teething

You don’t think much about your teeth unless there’s a problem. For babies who can’t communicate yet with words, teething can be a difficult time. Their gums become inflamed and tender as the teeth get closer to the surface and they take time to erupt or fully break through the gums.

Jade Elliott spoke with Pediatrician, Jenna Whitham, MD, Intermountain Healthcare, to discuss some tips for when your baby is teething.

When will that first tooth appear?

Babies typically don’t have teeth when they’re born, but on average babies get their first tooth at about six months of age. Typically, they have a complete set of 20 “baby” teeth by 30 months of age. The lower central incisors usually come in first and the molars last.

Signs of teething

Teething is a process that all children experience. Prior to tooth eruption the gingiva or gums may appear blue-ish and swollen. The symptoms seen most consistently with children immediately prior to and right after a tooth erupts are: biting or putting their mouth on things, drooling, rubbing their gums and fussiness. Sometime children may show less interest in eating solid foods and have mild elevations in temperature.

But teething does not cause thick congestion, severe diarrhea, vomiting, cough, fevers or inability to drink liquids/take formula. If your child is having these types of symptoms, call your baby’s doctor to find out if you need to bring your baby in for a visit.

Four simple ways to manage teething pain

1.Teething toys may be used, but liquid filled teething rings should be chilled in the refrigerator, not the freezer). Be sure to sterilize in boiling water before use.

2.Teething biscuits, crackers or cold food items like frozen yogurt or fruit popsicles may be used for children older than nine months who are used to eating solid foods.

3.Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen) may be used for children over six months if needed, but you should verify correct dosage with your child’s doctor.

4.Distraction – play with your baby or take them outside or for a ride in the stroller

Whitham does not recommend using topical medications containing Benzocaine (Oragel) due to risk of overuse or ingestion.

Tips for breastfeeding once your baby has teeth

Most moms can keep breastfeeding without difficulty through tooth development. If baby bites, the feeding should be over immediately, baby will quickly learn that biting is not ok.

What foods are appropriate as teeth emerge

Babies as young as four months who have good head control can start pureed baby foods, and at six months we encourage parents to start solid food introduction. In fact, despite not having a full set of teeth, babies as young as nine months can “chew” solid foods by mashing bites with their jaw regardless of the number of teeth that have emerged.

When to start brushing baby’s teeth

I recommend parents start brushing baby’s teeth with a soft bristled brush when they notice the first tooth emerge. I recommend using a fluoride containing children’s toothpaste. Use a grain of rice sized amount or less depending on how many teeth are to be brushed. Make tooth brushing a twice daily habit.

For some ideas to make brushing teeth fun, click here.

Preventing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

You can help prevent your baby from developing cavities or what is called Baby Bottle Tooth Decay or by beginning an oral hygiene routine within the first few days after birth. Start by cleaning your baby’s mouth by wiping the gums with a clean gauze pad. This helps remove plaque that can harm erupting teeth.

If you are bottle feeding, only give your baby a bottle with formula, breast milk or after one year of age, cow’s milk, and avoid giving them sugary beverages like juice or soda. Infants should finish their bedtime and naptime bottle before going to bed and not fall asleep with a bottle in their mouth.

Do babies need fluoride drops?

This depends on where you live. A good resource for this information is your county health department web site.

Intermountain Healthcare has pediatric dentists and adult dentists.

It’s important to establish care with a pediatric dentist by 18-24 month of age. Intermountain has pediatric dentists and family and special needs dentists. For more information about pediatric dentistry, click here.

For more information about family dentistry, click here.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.

How to introduce your pets to a new baby

Bringing your new baby home is an exciting and stressful time for the whole family, including your family pet. Whether it is a dog, cat, bird, fish, or any other animal, there will be changes for you and for them when a new baby comes home.

Jade Elliott sits down with Kaitlin Carpenter, MD, a pediatrician with Intermountain Healthcare, to discuss the best ways to introduce your baby to a family pet on this episode of the Baby Your Baby Podcast.

Some studies have shown that children with pets in their home at an early age have less risk of developing asthma by age 7. Another study showed that children with dogs or cats in their home in the first year of life had fewer and less severe respiratory infections. While the precise cause is unclear, these positive outcomes could be a result of good exposures and possibly because the children are building a health microbiome with help from a pet.

There are some easy things new parents can do to ease the transition for babies and pets:

  • Before the baby comes home, prepare your animal.
  1. Mess with their food while they are eating.
  2. Gently pull on ears and tails.
  3. Some parents will even play loud crying noises.
  4. Consider getting your stroller out so that the animal can get used to it.
  • Give your animal their own space.
  1. Find a good place outside.
  2. If possible, block off the area with the pet’s food bowl so that it doesn’t become a temptation for babies.
  3. Place cat litter boxes well out of reach
  4. Make sure aquariums are high enough that little hands can’t reach them to pull them over.

First introductions are important

Even the best animal may not react normally. Always watch your animal around your baby. Cats often like to sit on babies. Dogs like to lick babies’ faces.

Just like siblings need extra attention when a new baby comes home, it’s also important to give your pets some extra attention when possible. Include them on walks with the stroller. A few extra belly rubs can go a long way.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.

What is a midwife and is their care right for you?

When you find out you’re pregnant you are faced with many choices. One of those choices is whether to have a physician or midwife care for you during your pregnancy and birth. Depending on where you live, you might think that only physicians care for women in pregnancy but, midwives are a safe choice for most women.

Jade Elliott sits down with certified nurse midwife, Emily Hart Hayes from Intermountain Healthcare , on this episode of the Baby Your Baby Podcast to discuss the philosophy of midwifery, what to look for and when you are considering who to care for you and your baby during pregnancy and birth.

In the U.S., certified nurse midwives and certified midwives attend 8 percent of births and the rate is about 12 percent if you look at just vaginal births. In Utah, midwives attend about 10 percent of births.

The philosophy behind midwifery

The word midwife means “with woman.” The midwifery model of care focuses on individualized care that is a partnership between the pregnant person and the provider. They focus on health, wellness, and prevention; and use interventions at lower rates when complications arise. Midwives approach pregnancy as a normal physiologic event in a woman’s life. While complications can arise, they are trained to identify and manage those complications, and refer or consult with physician colleagues when warranted.

The advantages of seeing a midwife

Typically, midwives allow more time during prenatal visits and can also provide additional support during labor and birth. Midwives provide the same prenatal screening tests physicians do, including lab tests, ultrasounds, blood pressure checks, and monitoring for complications. Midwives generally have the philosophy to use interventions judiciously. For example, they may not break your bag of waters to speed up the birth process as long as labor is progressing normally.

Midwives offer continuous labor support and that has been shown to decrease the chance of Caesarean section. Midwives will typically intervene as needed. They can prescribe medications and use medications to induce labor. They care for women who are laboring with or without epidural anesthesia for pain relief, and they may recommend a c-section be performed. Midwives generally don’t do a routine episiotomy or order a routine hydration IV, although an IV may routinely be placed for emergencies. They allow moms to eat and drink during normal labor if they desire.

There are many different types of midwives

There are many ways to become a midwife and the laws are different in different states. In Utah, Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) earn their bachelor’s degree and become registered nurses first, and then go on to receive a Master’s or Doctorate degree in nurse midwifery. The vast majority of CNMs attend births in the hospital. Some states also license certified midwives (CMs) who pass the same certification exams as CNMs but who have entered the profession from a non-nursing background.

In Utah, there are also certified professional midwives (CPMs) who see women at home or in birth centers for pregnancy and birth. Utah also has direct entry and unlicensed midwives who attend deliveries at home. In Utah, only certified nurse midwives have privileges at hospitals, and some CNMs also practice in and out of hospital settings.

If you are considering a midwife who practices outside of the hospital, learn about their certification and licensure, and find out what the conditions are for transfer to a hospital.

Look for a midwife with formal education that leads to state licensure

Nationally, 98 percent of certified nurse midwives deliver in hospitals. If you prefer to deliver in a hospital, find out if your midwife is licensed to do so. Ask questions, share your birth goals and health history to find a provider who can attend to your specific needs.

There are many studies that show that midwifery care for healthy pregnant women is as safe or even sometimes safer than physician-led care. From a health systems perspective, midwifery care is cost-effective, because it results in fewer unnecessary interventions such as Cesarean section. Preterm birth rates are also lower in women who receive their prenatal care from a midwife.

Midwives provide general women’s care and can manage some complications during pregnancy

Midwives may care for you if you have health problem that arises before or during your pregnancy, whether independently or jointly with an OB/Gyn or maternal fetal medicine specialist. They care for women with gestational diabetes and pregnancy induced high blood pressure, depending on the setting, and they can attend births for women who have had a previous Cesarean birth.

There are even midwives who work collaboratively with physicians who jointly care for women with high risk chronic conditions such as Type 1 diabetes, high blood pressure, or autoimmune diseases.

Midwives aren’t just for pregnancy and birth. You can also see a midwife for general women’s primary care and gynecological issues such as pap smears, annual exams, birth control and family planning, immunizations including the HPV vaccine, and breast exams. Midwives care for women throughout the lifespan, from puberty to menopause and beyond. And yes, there are some male midwives.

How are doulas and midwives different?

A doula offers guidance and help with your comfort during labor. A doula will provide physical and emotional support for you and your partner during labor and birth. A doula will also foster a positive environment and support good communication between you and your healthcare team.

A doula cannot perform clinical or medical tasks including taking blood pressure or temperature, checking fetal heart tones or adjust monitors, or do vaginal exams. A doula also cannot diagnose medical conditions or present your options for medical care.

To learn more about midwives or to find one in your area, click here.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.

How alcohol can impact dads and dads-to-be

It’s not something that is often talked about, but alcohol use can impact dads and dads-to-be.

Jade Elliot sat down with Marcela Smid, MD, maternal-fetal medicine, University of Utah Health, on this episode of the Baby Your Baby Podcast to discuss the negative effects of heavy alcohol use in dads.

For healthy men under the age of 65: more than 4 drinks per day or more than 14 drinks per week may indicate risky drinking.

Alcohol and other drug use has a familial component, and 40-60% of alcohol use disorder are attributed to genetic/familial components.

Alcohol use among fathers-to-be may decrease fertility among couples with infertility. Among couples experiencing fertility issues, alcohol use may decrease sperm count and motility.

Heavy alcohol use is associated with decreased paternal attachment to infants and increased maternal depressions.

Any substance use disorders increases the risk of substance use disorder in children.

For more information on infertility, click here or listen to our Baby Your Baby podcast on the topic.

Click here to listen to the Baby Your Baby Podcast on alcohol use before and during pregnancy.

For information on mental health and substance use disorder treatment services, click here.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.

How to help keep your child healthy at daycare

Sooner or later your baby or child will be exposed to germs and may end up getting sick. If your baby goes to daycare or to other places they may interact with many children such as a church nursery, play group or public play areas, they may get sick at a younger age, but that does help them build immunity. Some children may not be exposed to a lot of germs until they start attending pre-school or school. Either way, your child will eventually be exposed to some common illnesses.

Jade Elliott sat down with Dr. Shellie Ring, a pediatrician with Intermountain Healthcare to talk about common contagious illnesses your baby might be exposed to at daycare or other public settings.

Some of the most contagious diseases among babies and young children:


Respiratory syncytial virus. Common contagious virus that infects the respiratory tract among children under age two. Symptoms are similar to a cold, but if it progresses it can affect breathing and become serious. When babies can’t breathe well, they may refuse to breastfeed or bottle-feed. They may get dehydrated and not produce wet diapers. Call your doctor if you see these symptoms. Seek immediate medical attention if breathing is rapid or significantly impaired or lips or fingernails turn blue.

Pink Eye

The official name for pink eye is conjunctivitis which is when the membrane that lines your eyelid becomes inflamed. Symptoms in the eye are redness, itchiness, grittiness, discharge that forms a crust during the night and make it difficult for your baby to open their eye in the morning.

It’s very contagious and can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection, an allergic reaction or in newborns by an incompletely opened tear duct.

If your young child is around someone who has pink eye, take these precautions: wash hands often, don’t touch your eyes. Don’t share towels or washcloths and use a clean towel and washcloth daily.

Treatment for pink eye involves symptom relief. Clean the eyelids with a clean, wet cloth. Applying a cold or warm compress. Prescription antibiotic eye drops may be prescribed and are very effective.

Stomach viruses and diarrhea

Viral gastroenteritis is very common and very contagious. Your baby can get it from sharing a cup or utensils with someone who has the virus or coming into contact with infected fecal matter, and then put their hand in their mouth, which can happen a lot in daycare settings.

Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, chills, achiness. It’s important to keep them home from daycare if they have these symptoms.

When your baby has frequent diarrhea and vomiting, it’s important to keep them clean and dry, change their soiled clothes and bedding. Wash fabrics in the hottest, longest cycle available. Dry them on high heat.

Treatment for gastroenteritis is to keep your baby hydrated. Depending on your baby’s age and how much they’re vomiting, your doctor may recommend an oral electrolyte solution. If your baby is eating solid foods ask your doctor whether they should eat their regular diet.

Hand Foot Mouth Disease

Symptoms include fever, sore throat, runny nose, and then a blister-like rash on the hands, feet or in the mouth. Children are contagious during the first week and remain contagious until the rash has disappeared.

Treatment for hand, foot mouth disease mostly involves treating the symptoms. The disease should end within 7-10 days. Age-appropriate doses of over the counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can help with sore throat pain. Do not give aspirin to babies or children as it can cause Reye’s Syndrome. Depending on your child’s age sore throats may be eased with cold or frozen foods like fruit popsicles or yogurt. Children over three can benefit from over the counter sore throat sprays that contain pain reliever.

How to help prevent your child from getting sick

The younger your baby is the more you’ll want to avoid public areas during cold and flu season and avoid being around people that are sick.

Importance of proper hand washing and using sanitizer for young children and caregivers before eating and after diaper changing, using the bathroom, touching pets, being in public spaces or if anyone has symptoms.

Changing tables and potty chairs, should be sanitized after each use at daycare. Toys and other items frequently touched like bathroom fixtures, drinking fountains, doorknobs or handles should be sanitized daily.

Keep your baby up to date on their immunizations

For diseases that can be prevented with vaccines, such as flu, chicken pox, measles, whooping cough, etc. be sure to talk to your doctor to keep your baby up to date on their immunizations.

Click here for more information about viruses and where in Utah they are active.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.

Helping your baby learn to walk

After children learn to crawl they start to pull up into standing position. This indicates that they could be getting ready to start walking.

Jade Elliott spoke with Jackie Swan, Early Intervention Program Director, Summit County Health Department, to discuss how parents can help prepare their child to start walking on this episode of the Baby Your Baby Podcast.

Babies pull to stand typically at the couch and learn to cruise by moving side to side against the couch. Placing something they want on the couch helps encourage the child to pull into standing position. Also, taking off the cushions of the couch allows for a lower surface for their height.

After the child is cruising they learn to bridge between two surfaces (couch and small table). Children use push toys for balance and standing by themselves. They will stand at small tables to play with toys. They learn to stand by themselves and stand in the middle of the floor when they learn balance skills. They want to learn to move around their environment.

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.

Strategies for getting a better night sleep during pregnancy

It can be very difficult to get a good night’s sleep when you’re pregnant.

Jade Elliott spoke with Hannele Laine, an OB/Gyn from Intermountain Healthcare, about the reasons many women experience sleep challenges during pregnancy and some strategies to help you get a better night’s sleep.

Sleep disturbances are common in pregnancy, especially in the third trimester as your baby grows larger and it’s harder to get comfortable. Common problems include difficulty falling asleep, increased waking at night, experiencing lighter sleep and shortened sleep intervals of deep sleep, which can all leave you feeling less rested.

This is likely due to a combination of factors including hormonal, physical and emotional changes as well as medical issues related to pregnancy.

According to the National Sleep Foundation’s 1998 Women and Sleep poll, 78 percent of women report more disturbed sleep during pregnancy, than at other times. Another study found that 97 percent of women had an average of three wakings per night in the third trimester. Lastly, there is some evidence that inadequate sleep – less than five to six hours, may negatively impact pregnancy and labor as well.

Physical causes of sleep problems during pregnancy:

  • Nausea
  • Heartburn/reflux
  • Difficulty in finding a comfortable position
  • Increased nighttime urination
  • Restless legs
  • Leg cramps
  • Low back pain
  • Sleep apnea

Emotional reasons sleep may be more difficult during pregnancy:

Many women worry about the birth, balancing motherhood and work, adding another child to the family, relationship changes and more. In addition, anxiety and depression are more common in pregnancy and the postpartum period and are frequently associated with sleep disturbances. And the current COVID-19 pandemic has added additional worries for pregnancy, delivery and motherhood.

But, there is hope! There are many things you can do to improve your sleep, including behavioral strategies, counseling and sometimes medication. Be sure to discuss sleep concerns with your doctor, especially if it’s impacting your normal functioning at work or with your partner or family. If you are having depression or anxiety, there is good evidence that treating it during pregnancy improves outcomes for women and their babies.

Tips for better sleep hygiene:

  • Keep a regular sleep schedule.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine – dim the lights, take a warm bath/shower, practice mind-quieting techniques.
  • Reduce stimuli – no screen time on TV, phone, or computer for two hours before bed.
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation.
  • Exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes per day, but not close to bedtime.
  • Avoid naps late in the day.
  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon or evening.
  • Create a comfortable sleep position with extra pillows for cushioning (between legs, under your tummy or back).
  • Plan for 7-9 hours of sleep.

Tips for pregnant women to improve their sleep:

  • For increased nighttime urination – decrease fluid intake in the evenings.
  • For heartburn/GERD – avoid food that are spicy, acidic or fried. Take an over the counter antacid such as Tums.
  • For leg cramps – avoid soda/carbonated drinks. Add a calcium supplement like Tums.
  • For restless legs – if your iron level is low, ask your doctor about an iron supplement.
  • For sleep apnea — if you snore three or more times per week or your partner reports you stop breathing during sleep, talk to your doctor about testing.
  • Discuss any herbal supplements or over the counter medications with your doctor.
  • If sleep issues don’t resolve, talk to your doctor about when sleep medications such as Unisom, Benadryl, or melatonin can be used during pregnancy.

Sleep post-partum is also an issue:

  • Babies wake every three hours on average. So even though the sleep you get tends to be better quality, it is very disrupted and therefore easy to have inadequate sleep.
  • Continue to practice good sleep hygiene postpartum.
  • Go to bed at the same time as your baby if possible.
  • Consider a morning walk to help with day/night rhythm.
  • Sleep when the baby sleeps during the day.
  • Ask your partner, friend or family to help you prioritize sleep. (They could watch the baby, or do laundry, grocery shopping, meal preparation, etc.)
  • Contact your doctor if you note increased anxiety or depression.

For more information visit:

The Baby Your Baby program provides many resources for all pregnant women and new moms in Utah. There is also expert advice from the Utah Department of Health and Intermountain Healthcare that air each week on KUTV 2News.